Coffee Morning Cronton Style!
Once again, the children and staff of Cronton C. of E. School have been working extremely hard to raise money for ACE. With only this week to go until the end of term, they held a Coffee Morning in the school hall for parents, family and friends. It was so well attended.
Everyone had worked so hard in the run up to the event to ensure that there was a mouthwatering and plentiful supply of cakes, biscuits, flapjacks and other treats to eat. The children had also made a host of other things to sell, such as ACE key rings and bookmarks. We organised a tombola that proved very popular with the children and one of our trustees donated a beautiful, handmade cot blanket to raffle. We also sold some Tanzanian jewellery and paintings.
Altogether, the Coffee Morning raised a fantastic £467! In addition, several of the children – Finley and Jack, Jess, Katie and Sophie, Erin and Kiera – had taken their own initiatives to fundraise for ACE in various ways, for example, by washing cars and holding a yard sale to sell their toys, books and other things they no longer had a use for.
Not least, a Greek Night had been organised by a member of staff for her colleagues. Authentic Greek food, made by her mother, had been enjoyed by all. We were too discrete to ask about the dancing and plate smashing but sensed that a good time was had by all!!
A huge “Thank You” to everyone at Cronton School for continuing to raise money for ACE and for making it possible for us to do so much more at Arise School. As always, it is a pleasure to come in to school and to work with you. Now that term is finished, we hope that you can all relax and enjoy the holiday. We very much look forward to seeing you all again in September.