Back at Arise (2)
Since Arise School opened its doors for the first time just over four years ago, a tremendous amount of effort has gone into ensuring that, firstly, the school buildings are well constructed and maintained and that, secondly, the grounds are well cared for and provide a pleasant environment for the children.
The school support staff work extremely hard every day to keep the classrooms and communal areas clean. They are at work early and leave late. This is never an easy task for them. In the dry season, the dust permeates everywhere whilst, in the rainy season, the water inevitably leaves huge puddles that require endless mopping.
Under Frank’s oversight, the school grounds, originally just bare and dry, have been transformed into a rich, tropical oasis using water recycled from the children’s hand washing.
Banana and papaya trees fruit alongside beautiful, brightly coloured plants and flowers. The lush, green foliage provides a calming background in which the children can learn. On each of our trips, a bit more of the land has been cultivated.
Last year, a shade area was constructed in the grounds as a multipurpose space to make best use of the external environment. It is now in regular use by both children and staff who would otherwise be unable to sit outside in the heat.
To quote from a recent blog, “Ten Reasons why Arise is an Amazing School” the first point listed was:
“The School and Grounds are Beautiful”
The classrooms are smart, the buildings well cared for and the gardens rich with plants. The result is a calming environment where the children have a clear learning space as well as an inspiring outdoor environment”.
A huge thank you to Frank and all the staff who work so hard to make this possible. Asante sana.