Africa's Children in Education


Rose Queen’s Gift of Electricity to Arise School!

17th June 2016

  In one of our blogs just 12 months ago, we wrote about the crowning of the Rose Queen ceremony which had just taken place at St. Nicholas, a local church, here in St. Helens. Eleanor, the incoming Rose Queen, was then only 11 years old. Last Sunday, in her retiring speech, Eleanor told the […]

Volunteers Support our “Buy a Brick: Build a Future” Appeal

10th June 2016

A few weeks ago, we launched our latest ACE Appeal – “Buy a Brick: Build a Future” – in order to raise money to buy blocks to build the next two classrooms. Those of you who follow the blogs will remember that, last year, Emily, Beth and Tamsin, then undergraduates at Newcastle University, went out […]

Progressing Our Aspirations for Arise School

3rd June 2016

In three week’s time, Ron will be back at Arise School! Unfortunately, Sue is still not able to travel with him after her recent illness and is finding it all very frustrating. Although it seems hardly any time since Ron’s last trip, there is a lot going on at the school at the moment that […]

Class One’s Version of the ‘Birdie Song’!

27th May 2016

Eight of the 45 children who are currently sponsored through the ACE Sponsorship Scheme are now in Class 1. Aged 5 to 8 years, some of them have been attending Arise Community School since early 2013 when it first started. Others have started at the school since. They all love going to school. What is […]

“Buy a Block – Build a Future”

13th May 2016

Buy a Block! Help build our next two classrooms at Arise Community School and you will give a child a building block for life. Last Saturday, the Arise Community once again committed to the future of its children by donating building materials, their time and labour. Twenty seven people turned up to form a working […]

Gaining Experience in the Classroom

6th May 2016

As a small charity, all the money raised through ACE goes directly towards the ongoing maintenance and development of Arise Primary School. We also support a small number of older young people to continue their education at secondary school or at a higher level. Without the support they receive through ACE, this would otherwise not […]

The Pre-Unit Children Enjoy a Song!

29th April 2016

A couple of weeks ago, our blog featured the ABC class at Arise Primary School learning to count in English, the language in which the children are taught. We have been amazed at how quickly they pick up the language, initially in terms of their understanding and then in their ability to speak it. Today’s […]

“Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow”

22nd April 2016

This week we were delighted to be invited back into Cronton C. of E. Primary School to meet with representatives of the School Council, a representative of the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) and the Reverend Lynn from Cronton Mission Church which is an integral part of the school. Last year, the Cronton children […]

Can You Count?!!!

15th April 2016

    We thought that you might like to see this short video that Ron took whilst at Arise School a few weeks ago. It shows the nursery or “ABC” class, as they call it, learning to count. The three and four year old children love singing, clapping and jumping so teacher, Veronica, takes advantage […]

Helping Older Young People Aspire and Achieve: Lucy’s Story

8th April 2016

Whilst the primary focus of ACE is to build Arise Community School and all of our fundraising goes directly towards that, the charity also supports several older young people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to access or continue their studies either at secondary school or at a higher level. All are supported by […]