Africa's Children in Education

Cronton Children and Church Continue to Champion ACE!


img_2849For over 18 months now, the children and staff of Cronton C of E Primary School have warmly welcomed us into their assemblies to tell them about our efforts to build Arise School. They have not only listened to us but have been amazing in their commitment and ongoing efforts to fundraise for ACE in many inspiring and creative ways.

Last October, the children and church decided to contribute their Harvest collection to our “Buy a Breakfast” appeal making it possible for us to continue to provide breakfast every day for the pupils at Arise School. This year, we were thrilled when, once again, they decided to donate their Harvest monies to ACE for the “Buy a Block” appeal.

We were delighted to join both the younger children and their families in school for their Harvest assembly and then the older children and their families for the Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Service in church. Part of this service was led by Year 3 and 4 children. It was a pleasure to be with them on both occasions. In fact, the efforts the children had gone to and their performances were overwhelming. It was also quite emotional!

Displaying their usual creativity, both groups of children had taken the “Buy a Block” appeal as their theme. The younger children gave a brilliant rendition, with actions, of a song called “Gonna Build a House”. Ron has taken it on himself to teach it to the Arise Children during our next trip! He will video it so that we can show it to the Cronton children on our return.

The older children had scripted a short piece which they acted. They then led everyone in a hymn called “We’re Building”. The chorus below speaks for itself!

“We’re building, we’re building a growing school,
We’re shaping the future for one and all!
We’re building, we’re building a growing school.
We’re shaping the future for one and all!”

Not only were the children’s performances totally overwhelming and emotional but, also, their generosity. The collections raised an amazing £521.22! This will help so much in our attempts to complete the three classrooms currently under construction at Arise School for the beginning of the new school year in January.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped to achieve this. Our very grateful thanks go to all the children, staff, families and members of the congregation who helped to make this possible. You are such brilliant champions for ACE. It is a joy to work with you and to have your ongoing support in this way.

“Asante sana” from all the children and staff at Arise School.