Welcome Back Ron
This week, Ron was very warmly welcomed back by the children and staff at Arise School. As always, as soon as they saw him, Ron was surrounded by the children. They invariably enjoy shaking hands with him, especially when he doesn’t let go!
Ever since our very first trip to Tanzania in January 2008, we have visited together. Unfortunately, following Sue’s recent illness, on this occasion, she was unable to accompany Ron on his trip.
Although it was only a few months since our last visit in November, a lot has been happening at the school and we always want to see things first hand. Firstly, there was the fourth classroom which was completed, with desks and chairs built locally, ready for the start of the new school year in January.
Secondly, a new toilet block has just been built following generous donations from Rainhill Rotary Club and one of our supporters, Ray Vincent. This was necessary to meet requirements following the rapid growth in the number of pupils at the school.
Thirdly, Ron wanted to meet the Teaching Head, Mr. Elvis Munisi, a new appointment from January, and several other teachers who have recently joined the staff. In the next few months, we hope that the school will be officially registered with the Ministry of Education in Tanzania. We want Arise to be seen as an example of good educational practice and Mr. Munisi’s role will be critical in achieving this.
And, of course, there was a host of other matters to discuss with Frank and Salome – from the school finances to children awaiting sponsorship; from maintaining communication with Arise (not easy with no electricity, computer or wifi!) to agreeing the next priorities both for the school and ACE.
Finally, whilst only a snapshot, spending time at the school gives a feel for the overall environment and atmosphere that is being created for the children’s education. We want to know, not only that the money from ACE is being spent responsibly and as intended, but that the children are happy in their learning. We hope the photos speak for themselves!